Dear fellow warriors:
We are looking forward even with all the “fortitude” that we are dealing with
Mother Nature and our roads. It looks like that anyone who is coming and
doesn’t have 4wh drive will need to meet us at Red Cloud School; leave their
car there and we will buy everyone in our truck. Just let us know, when you
know, about when we need to meet you. Kevin, I’m trying to give you a head
count for flute making; not sure, you know how many is coming from Standing
Rock; got six coming from Turtle Mountain; and I’d say at least another dozen
or more from Pine Ridge. I hope this helps. I’m enclosing a tentative schedule.
We can change but needed to start somewhere. I welcome your input.
I think that is it. The event is truly in the Concourse on High’s reality but
being that fortitude is one we are learning this weekend, it may be just
another level that we will learn. But I’m looking forward to it! I just got out
of my sick bed this morning but feeling well.
Each have a safe journey and we are so happy that you are coming.
Much love, Cindy