Wednesday, August 15, 2012

prayers for Audrie from Kevin Locke

prayers for Audrie

Kevin Locke<>Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 4:45 AM

To: Baha'is of North and South Dakota
Dear Johnathan,

I constantly reflect on the valiant services of you and Audrie here at Standing Rock. Of all the dear souls that were enkindled and introduced to the Light and Voice of God through your many sacrifices.
When I heard the news of Audrie's transition I glanced up to the top of my book shelf and found great comfort in perusing the original 1917 edition of Frances Densmore's "Teton Sioux Music" that you all gave me many years ago.
I am reflecting on how Ms. Densmore's aged informants commandeered her study to show that the basis of Lakota culture and music is their relationship with God, and that somehow these elders, from the realms beyond, inspired you and Audrie to plant the seed of the Faith here in the very heart of North America. God grant that, as we approach the 50th anniversary of your pioneering here, we may witness a rapid further efflorescence of the Faith!
I'm sorry that I missed your previous visit to Standing Rock when, at the Unit Convention in Bear Soldier District (McLaughlin) you presented my grandson Ohitika with the priceless wapȟáha/eagle feather head dress.... each feather representing a divine virtue! I am certain that Audrie's crown of light is brilliant and resplendent.
Do you happen to recall her Lakota name? It would be good to use that name now in prayers and songs to support her onward journey across the heavens.
Please know that my wife and family join me in extending sincere condolences and prayerful support to you and your family.
le miyé, Tȟokáheya Inážiŋ
Kevin Locke and tribe

Thursday, August 2, 2012

SYNERGY "I am" Selfridge High School

We would like to share special thanks to Julie Biedess, Karen Pulkrabek, Solen High School, Standing Rock High School and Selfridge High School for supporting our program.

SYNERGY "I am" Solen High School

We would like to share special thanks to Julie Biedess, Karen Pulkrabek, Solen High School, Standing Rock High School and Selfridge High School for supporting our program.

SYNERGY "When I Grow Up" Solen High School

We would like to share special thanks to Julie Biedess, Karen Pulkrabek, Solen High School, Standing Rock High School and Selfridge High School for supporting our program.

SYNERGY "When I Grow Up" Standing Rock High School

SYNERGY "I am" Standing Rock High School

We would like to share special thanks to Julie Biedess, Karen Pulkrabek, Solen High School, Standing Rock High School and Selfridge High School for supporting our program.

SYNERGY "School Tour" Selfridge High School

We would like to share special thanks to Julie Biedess, Karen Pulkrabek, Solen High School, Standing Rock High School and Selfridge High School for supporting our program.

SYNERGY "School Tour" Solen High School

We would like to share special thanks to Julie Biedess, Karen Pulkrabek, Solen High School, Standing Rock High School and Selfridge High School for supporting our program.

SYNERGY "School Tour" Standing Rock High School

We would like to share special thanks to Julie Biedess, Karen Pulkrabek, Solen High School, Standing Rock High School and Selfridge High School for supporting our program.

Junior Youth Spirit Riders Wakpala, SD Summer 2012

 Spirit Riders with Whipping Braids, Wakpala, SD

Manja Hill Founder of The Spirit Riders Foundation, in Wakpala, SD.

Spirit Riders Junior Youth Wakpala, ND: Chauncy is teaching Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment and learning to ride horses bareback!

 Chauncy is learning to ride and participate with the Spirit Riders and work with Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment!

 With Whipping Braids

 Gathering the Spirit horses with Whipping Braids

With Manaja Hill

Cindy Catches and one of her children's classes

Every Sunday Cindy Catches drives around picking up children, feeds them a wonderful physical meal  and then feeds them a wonderful spiritual meal as they eat and play, including Baha'i and Lakota virtues, teaching them prayers and to sing in Lakota. The children adore her.

Austrailian Bahai Friends Bismarck 1992?

Kevin Isgor-Locke, Patricia Locke, Kimmimila, Asa - Is that Deon Canyon in there? About 1992?

Queen Marie of Rumania Baha'i Mandan, ND.

Queen Marie is considered the first  Monarch to become a Baha'i:

“It is like a wide embrace,” such is the testimony of Royalty to its claim and position, “gathering together all those who have long searched for words of hope. It accepts all great Prophets gone before it, destroys no other creeds, and leaves all doors open.” “The Bahá’í teaching,” she has further written, “brings peace to the soul and hope to the heart. To those in search of assurance the words of the Father are as a fountain in the desert after long wandering.” “Their writings,” she, in another statement referring to Bahá’u'lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, has testified, “are a great cry toward peace, reaching beyond all limits of frontiers, above all dissension about rites and dogmas… It is a wondrous message that Bahá’u'lláh and His son ‘Abdu’l-Bahá have given us. They have not set it up aggressively knowing that the germ of eternal truth which lies at its core cannot but take root and spread.” “If ever the name of Bahá’u'lláh or ‘Abdu’l-Bahá,” is her concluding plea, “comes to your attention, do not put their writings from you. Search out their Books, and let their glorious, peace-bringing, love-creating words and lessons sink into your hearts as they have into mine.”

ShoghiEffendi, The World Order of Baha’u'llah, p. 196.