Sunday, November 13, 2011

Velma Little Eagle

We werre visiting Velma yesterday. She told a story of how she and her husband became Baha'is. Her husband, Charles Little Eagle, was a "Priest" (her words) of the NAC Church. He found the Faith first. He told her that,"this is what we have been looking for." She also said that from that point on, he did not use peyote ever again.Charles became a Baha'i about June 1984, during the Amos Gibson Project., and Velma in November 1986.
 "Now is the time for obedience. In the words of the prayer, 'Instant, exact and complete obedience.' We must be like the great cypress trees standing outside the Shrine of Baha'u'llah. They bow and bend low before the breeze of God from whichever direction it may blow."      William Sears, "Pilgrimage to Haifa," 1954.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Children's Classes at Cindy Catches: Pine Ridge Annual Fun

with help from Ken Macnamara, Riaz Castillo, Alex Rhodd, and Alfred Kahn, who ended the day with a wonderful fireside at Cindy's home.

Pine Ridge about 1985: Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khanum Kevin Locke and Friends

Bismarck 1992: Alan Schulte, Kevin Locke Patricia Locke, Bronwyn Castillo and Alberta Schulte

Rosebud: Barbara Bennett, Lorraine Wright and Riaz aka Phil Castillo children's class 2002

Tree Haven now. Do you remember when there were summer children's classes?

Aberdeen Conference August 26-28, 2011

Kevin Isgor-Locke, Patricia Isgor-Locke, John Retzlaf

Marion Kadre, Riaz Castillo

Marion Kadre

Marion, Riaz, Yvonne Bear Stops

Riaz Castillo, Counselor Garth Pollack

Barbara Bennett, Riaz,